Holy thunder clap, Batman! I just got awakened by the biggest crash of thunder I have heard since Hurricane Katrina hit. Of course, it's not raining that hard, thank goodness, but it set off a couple of car alarms. Oh well, perhaps nature was just waking my lazy butt up to finish all these stupid papers I have due, study for my test, and post on my blog. So...I got tagged, yay!
Ahhh, yeah...I have been waiting for this! My first tagging! Here we go:
* Create a link to the person who tagged you.
* Mention the rules for this game on your blog.
* Tell 6 unimportant things/(bad) habits (unspectacular quirks) about you.
* After answering the questions tag six other people and link them in your blog.
*Tell the people you've tagged about it in their own blogs.
I got tagged by the lovely Jovana @ Gimme A Chance, thanks, and sorry I didn't put it up sooner, I just didn't know who to tag!
1. I have my closet organized in color order. As much as I love prints and patterns, they drive me crazy because I have a hard time placing them. It goes from tops, to skirts and pants, to jumpsuits/overalls, to dresses, and then jackets and coats. My shoes are in color order too, from sandals, to flats, to pumps, to boots, to sneakers/trainers. I also have all of the hangers facing the same way. It makes others look at me funny but I am really serious about it. Luckily for me few people see my room...or my blog.
2. I like to notice patterns in numbers. For example, if a clock says 2:48 pm, I say aloud, "2 times 4 is 8," or if it says 11:12 am, I say "11 comes before 12, and it's also my birthday." I do it with dates, phone numbers, receipt totals, etc. I just try to keep it in my head...seeing as it's kind of irritating, and I am far from Russell Crowe in A Beautiful Mind.
3. I am incredibly forgetful. Since Friday, I left my wallet at a CVS (I decided to finally get one of those free discount cards, and totally left my crap on the counter), lost a parking ticket after I left the parking lot at the movies (we literally had just walked out of there and locked the door...wow), left my keys at the counter at Starbucks (when I realized it, the guy was grinning at me, holding them outward towards me when I turned around...and no, :-( he wasn't cute), and I lost my order pickup slip at Five Guys (Famous Burgers & Fries...mmmmm). It's only Sunday morning!
4. I have the entire collection of V.C. Andrews books, R.L. Stine's Fear Street books (I know there are multiple collections, and yes, I have them all), Christopher Pike's books, the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants books, all the Harry Potter books, and all of the Georgia Nicholson books (I hear they are making a movie! I am definitely going to see it). Oh, and I had all the Babysitters Club (and Babysitter's Little Sister) books, Sweet Valley books, and Archie comics, but I gave them away at garage sales and stuff. Most kids my age at my school had a Nike habit, a jewelry habit, or a car habit that they or their parent's supported. As the biggest dork that ever lived, my parents supported my book habit, and I was the biggest book fiend ever. I would sneak them into restaurants, bathrooms...church...wow, God forgive me. Apparently, I really, really, really liked to read about white kids, hahaha. But no, the "African-American" literature books were just a little too grown-up for me when I was in middle/beginning high school. I love the atypical ones now, not about "sexing somebody's man, gettin' out the game, getting revenge, and cursing up a storm in the process, oh, and maybe finding religion." Like Zane?! If you have never heard of Zane, it's probably best you don't look her up...she traumatized my virgin ears/eyes as a freshman.
5. I was supposed to be in a movie at age 9. Hahaha, I tell everyone this. Of course, no one cares, hence its unimportance. John Grisham is a writer from Mississippi (well, he lived there a while) who wrote A Time to Kill, and they wanted a local girl to play Samuel L. Jackson's daughter in the movie version. So, my cousin and I auditioned, and I got the callbacks, all the way to the end. Apparently, my mother finds out that the daughter gets raped in the story, and she decides she "ain't havin' it" and pulls the plug on the whole thing. I think she was worried it might traumatize me, or that at 9 I wouldn't understand what was happening, I don't know. That's how I remember it, anyway. In the end, perhaps deciding Mississippi moms are too uptight (yeah right), they went with the adorable girl who played young Anna Mae Bullock (Tina Turner) in What's Love Got to Do With It? (that's a G.O.A.T. - Greatest Of All Time movie if there ever was one). Well, she mostly does Disney crap now, but she got to be on Even Stevens around the time I decided Shia LaBeouf was my supremely hilarious soulmate, so I sometimes shout to the heavens, Rae'ven Larrymore Kelly stole my career! Haha, I'm joking.
6. I can't live with people. Well, not in small spaces. I spent my first 8 years as an only child, but we lived in cramped quarters. I had to share all my stuff with my cousins and such, and when we finally moved on up (to a deee-luxe suburb in the sky), I then had a sibling (and then two siblings) to share with. As a teen, I was far removed from the family living-wise. I was relegated to the slave quarters (haha, guest room) behind the kitchen when my sister was born, and got used to - no, relished - the privacy. College living situations feel like a huge step backwards, but I am so broke. Living with roommates can really suck. I can love them to death, but I just never want to see their stupid faces every single day. No matter who I have lived with I find myself groaning in annoyance when I would see their car in the driveway or their light on. It's agonizing, especially since I don't know how to fix it. I don't know how I would live with a guy. Seriously. When I come home, I mellow out and turn off. I don't wanna be bombarded with sound and talk and anyone's f-ing aura/presence/ambiance constantly. I like quiet at home. I have never had a roommate that felt the same way. I got along with all of them but wanted their heads on stakes by the time I moved out. Not literally, of course. Does no one relax...quietly when they come home? Hands?
Ok, finally done. I am tagging people, hoping they haven't already done this.
Gloria @ <3 Life <3 Style
Aisha @ coloured bleu
Any or all of the willing contributors (Susan, Pamela, Wendy-May!) @ R.O.F.Y.
Ana @ Snazzy Fashion
Molly @ Fashionyou
Yoga Retreat: Nepal Yoga Home review
9 months ago
I'm sort of semi, overly crushing on Shia LaBeouf. Twice, count it twice, I've had the chance to be in a movie he was making. The first time was when Transformers was filming in Detroit my senior year, and the second time was when Indiana Jones was filming at Yale right after I moved 10 minutes from the campus. Unfortunately, I had no idea I found him so attractive at these times. Stupid me!
Its so cool how people can colour co-ordinate thier wardrobes. I never can seeing as my wardrobe is about 4mm in depth, so most of it is either on the floor, or crammed in drawers. And how cool you think of numbers/phonenumbers/times like that.
Thanks for the tag! :) xx
I love this memes, it's such a good way to know better each other.
Your answers are cool, well I envy the way you organize your wardrobe, I've no space to do that.
Shia LeBeouf is my secret lover. When I was watching Transformers with my friends I was going crazy; he's so funny and adorable and I want to marry him. LOL
I hate living with people also. Well, not hate, but I don't like it. I'm so glad I'm going to be an RA or I would shell out almost $5,000 for a single on campus.
Thanks for tagging me dear, I've already done this :(. But, I loved learning new stuff about you!
Number 2 - I am completely like you! But not just with numbers, I'm such a sucker for all the 'fate' and 'no such thing as 'coincidences' that it translates into my everyday life, like with numbers.
E.g. it's 2.48pm, I'll think "2 times 4 equals 8, omg coincidence! Maybe something really important will happen to my involving the number 8!" Lol, I'm so weird.
As far as number 6, I'm kind of the same way. I like to have "me" time, so I need to become rich enough to have a big-assed house with a bunch of rooms. That way, when I want to come home and not be bothered, I can set aside a couple of the "Leave Me The F*ck Alone" rooms and call it a day!
This was an interesting post. Too bad about that movie. On yeah, Zane also traumatized me once I saw what she actually looks like. She should have gone the Milli Vanilli route and hired a model to do her public appearances! Hearing people that aren't attractive talk about freaky stuff does absolutely nothing for me.
Thanks for tagging me!!! I love reading these...my closet is color organzied as well and people are usually quite surprised because I am generally super diorganized,forgetful,etc etc...
pretty cool meme!!!!
haha i love that bit about you being in a movie.. imagine if you were in it-- you probably would not have this blog... you would be at some glamourous event!
that is still cool about the movie and I can understand why your Mom would want to pull you out too. That's my favorite Grisham novel.
i can't believe that about patterns in numbers! i've never heard anyone doing that before! must be fun thou...!
i got tagged too! LMAO! looks like this is gonna go in my next blog! lol!
shia...... yummy.
did i tell you your gossip girl skirt is so incredibly rad?
great blogs you tagged!
a kiss and a hug for you,
Oooh, imagine how different your life would be if you had been in the movie!
hahaha i had lots of babysitters club, sweet valley high and archie comics too!
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