Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Insomniatic Musings: Why am I Awake at 6:30 a.m.?

1) Because I never went to bed.

2) Because I am in the mania stage of my newly (just 3 seconds ago) self-diagnosed manic-depression.

3) Because I am suffering from delirium due to eating nothing but one small piece of chocolate cake and a Girl Scout cookie in over 24 hours. Speaking of Girl Scout cookies, what in the hell are these names? I remember when Samoas were Caramel De-lites and Trefoils were Sandies (I think). "Samoas" sounds racist. And, why couldn't they come up with a cruddy name for Thin Mints too? Thin Mints get no attention, damn.

4) Because I am a delinquent liar who swore not to procrastinate on school anymore...yet feeling overwhelmed with a 5-pg paper, speech outline, 7 pages of typed Spanish homework, and 6 pages of Logic homework, all due tomorrow, I think I just checked out. I spent the wee hours surfing the 'Net for pics of Joseph Gordon-Levitt in all of his geeky, indie hotness. I think he's sex on a hot. But seriously, if you are reading this and know a Joseph Gordon-Levitt look-alike or the man himself, and he's single (how on Earth would that happen, clone or not?), send him my way.

5) Because I am suffering from the worst case of senior-itis better known as college burnout. Why can't you just go when it's convenient and never have homework? Grrr...I hate school with a burning passion, especially voluntary school, aka post-secondary school.

6) Because my mom was right, and I totally have ADHD. I think.

Oh man, I really am not nuts, just delirious!


Secretista said...

I know exactly what you are going through... well maybe not exactly.

Get some sleep deary!... or try.

Cicely said...

I do this. All the time. When I really should be working, or sleeping, I get distracted by something, usually fashion blogs. Good luck with your work, its frickin annoying and stressful but it will be worth it, well that's what I tell myself. Haha American's have wierd names for food.

maverickandlove said...

you are so funny! i cant believe u only ate a slice of chocolate cake and a girl schout cookie.. not even COOKIES, but one. and procrastination- i know what you mean!! and number 6- classic, i love that reason! great post!

Cicely said...

Ok you've probably seen these but just in case: and

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

Because I never went to bed

That's usually my reason unless I'm working haha

Kira Aderne said...


your blog is so cool and you are so original...i love that trench-dress cool!

so, i am adding you to mine Favorites, add me too!

a kiss and a hug.
keep in touch


Molly :] said...

Hmm.. i never seem to sleep these days.. thats why im posting moe often :) x